Celebrating 23 years of quality Yoga

Loving touch

For babies from 4 weeks to one year old

Class Length: 1 hour
2018-08-07 19:53:00

Loving touch is the most ancient and comforting language of babies. Gentle touch reinforces love, safety and trust between the parent/caregiver and child that lasts a lifetime. 

International Association of Infant Massage  founded 1982

International Association of Infant Massage founded 1982

During this relaxing, 5 week course of International Association of Infant Massage , you will learn a soothing combination of Swedish and Indian massage strokes to calm your baby. 

Massage strokes are repeated and developed each week, so that by the end of the course you will be able to give your baby/babies a full body massage. 

A Manual of strokes, and massage oil, are included in the price.

The classes take place in Harmony Hill Presbyterian Church Lisburn ( Lambeg) – there is free carparking onsite and it is located near cafes so you can enjoy catching up with other Mums and babies over a coffee after the class.



Calm Baby

A more relaxed baby will sleep more deeply and for longer, as muscular tension is eased. Massaging your baby’s tummy helps to relieve colic , wind and constipation allowing your baby to feel more comfortable. 

Learn how to carefully adapt massage strokes as babies become active through to toddling, school age and adolescence. 


There will be time to meet and support each other, as well share and discuss a range of parenting topics during snacks and refreshments. 

The class is baby led and baby friendly so babies can be fed, changed, rocked or sleep. 

  • Helps baby to feel loved;
  • Parent and baby to learn to relax together;
  • Promote better sleep;
  • Relieve your baby’s teething, colic and constipation;
  • Aid your baby’s digestion;
  • Strengthen your baby’s immune system;
  • Develop baby’s muscle tone and co-ordination;
  • Develop parent/baby bond and communication;
  • Provides sensory stimulation;
  • Helps you discover your baby’s cues.

Gill pioneered Pregnancy Yoga in Northern Ireland since introducing it in 2003. Many women return to her classes with fourth and fifth pregnancies. She trained at Birthlight with Dr Francoise Freedman & Uma Dinsmore Tuli, in Perinatal Yoga in 2003 and in Postnatal and Baby Yoga (& Smart Toddler Yoga). from 2005, An IAIM (International Association of Infant Massage) Instructor since 2009. Gill is also a Childbirth Preparation educator and Hypno Yoga for Birth Teacher (Creative Calm, 2017). .



'Ross and I started Baby Massage with Gill when he was only 6 weeks old. I found it great at settling him in the early days which really helped with my confidence as well. I also learnt some great techniques for dealing with all the little tummy and digestive problems babies under 3 months seem to suffer from. It was also great to meet other new Mums.

Mary and James

'I attended the Baby Massage classes when James was about three months old This great class showed me how to instantly relax James with massage techniques and he would sleep for 5-6 hours after each class, normally he only slept for 30-45 mins at a time. I started Baby Yoga with him when he was almost six weeks old and we have completed 3 eight week Baby Yoga courses. I benefited hugely from the range of Post Natal exercises. James loved the opportunity to interact with other babies and most importantly he was always very calm for a good sleep by the end of the class!!.

Available Baby Massage Classes


Harmony Hill Presbyterian Church Lisburn

Class Time: 12pm- 13pm


Bridge Community Centre Lisburn

Class Time: 12:00 -13:00pm