Celebrating 23 years of quality Yoga

fun Yoga for Mums & babies

For babies from 4 weeks to crawling

Class Length: 1hr 30mins
2018-08-07 19:39:00

The classes have been running since 2004 in Belfast and Lisburn and are a unique fusion fun Yoga practices for mums and babies. They help mums to feel calmer, and more revitalised and are an antidote to the stresses and strains of modern motherhood. They provide a holistic, uplifting and relaxing Yoga practice. What’s more, mums need only take part in as much of the class as they or baby would like. 
A mother who participated in the course commented on how it was like ‘an oasis of calm’ within an increasingly busy world. 

The classes currently take place in Harmony Hill Presbyterian Church Lisburn ( Lambeg) – there is free carparking onsite and it is located near to cafes , so you can enjoy catching up with other Mums and babies over a coffee after the class.

each class

each class

Classes last for one and a half hours, allowing time to create a nurturing, supportive ambience for both mother and baby to relax and deepen their bond. It is a baby-friendly environment, where babies can be fed, changed, rocked or sleep. This is the yoga of touch and love – yoga of the heart! Informal and lively, and beginners to Yoga are always welcome. 

Baby Yoga

Baby Yoga helps babies to stretch out and become more aware of their bodies. They practise age-related, stimulating Yoga sequences accompanied with songs and rhymes and also take part in their mother’s Yoga postures. 

Postnatal Yoga

Postnatal Yoga is gentle, progressive and carefully adapted to meet each mother’s needs. It helps to release tension in the shoulders from feeding and lifting and to ease out tired sore backs. It is accompanied by Yogic breathing (pranayama), deep relaxation and visualisation so that mums and babies can learn how to relax together. Babies are often asleep by the end of the class. 


There is always time at the end of Postnatal and Baby Yoga for mums to enjoy snacks and drinks together . During this supportive time friendships are often formed for life.



Benefits for Mum

  • Improve your wellbeing whilst gently toning your body;
  • Revitalise, if you are getting less sleep;
  • Strengthen and tone your pelvic floor and belly muscles;
  • Ease out your back and shoulders and improve your posture;
  • Feel more confident about mothering your baby;
  • Communicate through use of touch, movement and songs.

Benefits for Baby

  • Ease colic, wind, constipation and sleeplessness;
  • Enjoy multi-sensory stimulation with touch and movement and songs;
  • Stimulate their brain systems that are forming with playful sequences;
  • Playfully interact with other babies.

The class is suitable from 4 weeks after delivery, but please consult your doctor or healthcare practitioner before attending.

Gill pioneered Pregnancy Yoga in Northern Ireland since introducing it in 2003. Many women return to her classes with fourth and fifth pregnancies. She trained at Birthlight with Dr Francoise Freedman & Uma Dinsmore Tuli, in Perinatal Yoga in 2003 and in Postnatal and Baby Yoga (& Smart Toddler Yoga). from 2005, An IAIM (International Association of Infant Massage) Instructor since 2009. Gill is also a Childbirth Preparation educator and Hypno Yoga for Birth Teacher (Creative Calm, 2017). .


Kiran mother of Eva

'I began antenatal yoga with Gill at 16 weeks and ended at 38 weeks. , The breathing techniques helped me the most, and the stretches made the aches and pains of pregnancy more tolerable. When my baby turned breech, Gill taught me practices to try to turn the baby, As soon as I could, I signed up for Baby Yoga, until my daughter was 6 months. I knew that I liked Gill's classes, but I didn't know my baby would too l! It was great for her socialization, and she and all the other babies love the songs and rhymes combined with stretches and exercises. I highly recommend both classes.


Meg and I enjoyed our Wednesday morning sessions with you - it certainly brought a little calmness into our lives!

Emma and Lily

Thank you for all the Yoga, it has been so good for us both. The Pregnancy Yoga got me through the last few weeks when I was big and uncomfortable and I couldn't have got through labour without the breathing techniques. Lilly has just loved the Baby Yoga.and we have made lots of friends'.

Available Postnatal and Baby Yoga Classes


Harmony Hill Presbyterian Church Lisburn

Class Time: 11.00 - 12.00


Santosha Yoga Studio Lisburn

Class Time: 13:15 -14.15pm