Celebrating 23 years of quality Yoga

Calm pregnancy & confident birth

Class Length: 1 hour
2018-08-07 19:28:00

This intimate, supportive class is a unique amalgam of hypno-therapeutic techniques, Yoga breathing and “Flowing Yoga”. It will deeply nourish the pregnant mother and baby during the journey of pregnancy and birth. These empowering and nurturing practices will help the mother to be to feel more focused, confident and calm. 

Class Content

Class Content

Each class will begin with fun, flowing Yoga practices (asanas) which will help to melt physical tensions, allowing the birthing muscles to be relaxed, as nature intended. Gentle Yoga sequences will also promote the flow of more vital energy around the mother and baby. 

Yoga breathing (pranayama) is also taught as it is a powerful key to relaxation. These gentle but profound breathing practices will help to soothe the nervous systems of both mother and baby, promoting a more tranquil journey through pregnancy and birth. 

Hypno-therapeutic practices (deep relaxation, self-hypnosis and visualisations) will be the core focus and support of the class. Hormonal changes during pregnancy and birth make women more naturally receptive to self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis is a completely natural state of absorption or focussed attention. It opens the mother to the transformative power of creative visualisations, new perspectives and positive change. Everyone responds uniquely to hypnosis, but most women describe the experience as deeply relaxing and nurturing. 

It is important to be assured that during self-hypnosis and deep relaxation the mother will be totally in control and actively engaged at all time. 

Research has shown that this use of self-hypnosis reduces the length of time for active labour for first-time mothers and significantly reduces the need for pain relief.. Anxieties and fears from past birth trauma can also be positively addressed and overcome.

Hypnosis is the only no- risk painkiller. 
Dr Anna Zohrabian and Dr Rumi Peynovska



  • Aids confidence to have a positive birth experience;
  • Can help to clear trauma around previous negative birth experiences;
  • Self-hypnosis teaches the art of entering a state of calm relaxation;
  • Prepares mind and body by using personal visualisations to aid labour and delivery;
  • Increases the ability to relax mentally and physically;
  • Can shorten labour times;
  • Promotes a calmer, more accepting and empowered mental state;
  • Reduces incidence of post-natal depression;
  • Helps to promote bonding;
  • Encourages a calmer, better adjusted baby, who feeds and sleeps better.

Gill pioneered Pregnancy Yoga in Northern Ireland since introducing it in 2003. Many women return to her classes with fourth and fifth pregnancies. She trained at Birthlight with Dr Francoise Freedman & Uma Dinsmore Tuli, in Perinatal Yoga in 2003 and in Postnatal and Baby Yoga (& Smart Toddler Yoga). from 2005, An IAIM (International Association of Infant Massage) Instructor since 2009. Gill is also a Childbirth Preparation educator and Hypno Yoga for Birth Teacher (Creative Calm, 2017). .



I loved having my Hypno Yoga for Birth sessions tailored completely to me and my baby and the cosiness and convenience of being at home; I found the deep relaxation very beneficial to my sleep and outlook; Gill is not only uniquely experienced, knowledgeable and understanding but innately warm, compassionate, positive and fun so I was able to discuss frankly what I hoped to get from sessions and even looking forward to them was a lift. This has helped me find the freedom and positivity to move forward following traumatic experiences around pregnancy, birth and postnatal depression, and embrace THIS wonderful blessing of a pregnancy.

Available Classes

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