Celebrating 23 years of quality Yoga

Help reduce back pain & the recurrence of back problems

Class Length: 1hr 15min-
2018-07-30 23:24:00

Back pain is an extremely common problem, affecting some 80% of us at some point in our lives. It can be debilitating, with chronic impact on quality of life and ability to work. Mind-Body group exercise, such as Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs - an innovative, evidence-based programme recommended by the health regulator, NICE, ( National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) is a first step towards managing low back pain. This specialist 12-week Yoga-programme that gently and progressively aims to help those suffering low back pain to get back to being more active again. No prior experience of Yoga is necessary.



Draft Guidelines in a review of how NHS professionals should treat patients with low back pain stated: “The draft Guidelines recommend exercise in all its forms (for example stretching, strengthening, aerobic or Yoga) as the first step in managing low back pain”. (Press Release 24 March 2016). 

The course teaches life-long skills to improve health. It was developed and tested in a large research study, run by the University of York (Department for Health Sciences) and funded by Arthritis Research UK. The positive results showing it to be safe and effective were published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in November 2011. A cost evaluation in the journal Spine in 2012 showed it to be cost effective for the NHS, society and the workplace. 



A random controlled trial by the University of York and Arthritis UK demonstrated that:“Yoga is a safe and effective activity that clinicians could consider recommending for patients with a history of low back pain” (Tillbrook et al 2011). The research also demonstrated that “the benefits of Yoga continued after the end of the twelve -week course”. (Full findings can be seen on www.arthritisresearchuk.org) 

The Course

  • 12 weekly classes of easy foundational Yoga poses to build strength & flexibility, providing long term benefits.
  • Pain relieving Yoga poses. Poses targeting back comfort, good posture and re-alignment of the body.
  • Guidance, homework plans and information so that you can practice on your own in between classes.
  • Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs support material for each class
  • Learn how to bring postural improvements, mental focus and relaxation techniques into their daily lives.
  • Small groups.
  • Help to reduce the recurrence of future back problems.
  • At the end of the course students are encouraged to continue practising on their own, or to join a suitable yoga class.

Huge potential for workplace health and wellbeing initiatives. Yoga has a track record of improving chronic pain in multiple conditions. Uniquely this long term self-management course is the essence of prevention. It offers a toolkit of simple lifelong techniques to improve and maintain holistic health and well-being.

Alison Trewhela, Principal Tutor and Director, YHLB Institute



As someone who suffers from long-term back pain (both upper and lower), and keen to source other treatment methods other than medication, The classes had a very relaxed atmosphere, The instructor, Gill, was very forthcoming to all in the class and she took specific care to identify everyone's concerns, injuries, limits and motivations to provide as much of a personal experience as possible. When I found the time to perform the practices at home, I found it very beneficial for my back pain. I would remind everyone that there is no quick fix for back pain, the simple practices I learned in this course I have tried to incorporate into my everyday routine. The most rewarding aspects from the class which I now try to act on every day, are the breathing techniques and simply having more awareness of my body. If you are suffering from back pain, I would thoroughly recommend this course.


I have suffered from chronic lower back problems resulting in me having to take three months off work - ( being self - employed this was a major blow) . Since beginning this course and doing the home practices from my support material, my back has not felt so good in years! Thank you Gill


This is a stimulating class which I have no hesitation in recommending to anyone with back pain. The yoga teacher is full of inspiring advice on specific yoga exercises and goes the extra mile to accommodate everyone. I found it all extremely helpful, offering a range of brilliant practices, most of which I would never have known about. These have led me to realise the benefits of daily yoga practice to overcome back pain and have brought me to my own calm, quiet place.

Available Yoga For Healthy Lower Backs Classes


Santosha Yoga Studio Lisburn

Class Time: 19.45 -21. 00